Monday, August 4, 2008


This was a somewhat traumatic experience for me. I made the decision to cut my hair finally after talking about it for over a year. Cutting it off for my 30th birthday or after a break-up was way to cliche. So I picked a random Chicago summer day to do it. Last Thursday night, I went out with Brenda who was in town for Lollapolooza. Didn't get back from WP until 3AM. Apparently, I was so nervous about the change that I was up at 7AM pondering my decision. Erin was awesome and went with me. Sadly, she actually had to hold my hand as the Lindsey the hairstylist chopped off my ponytail. To the hairstylist, I prefaced the haircut with the following: No bangs, no need for product, blow drying or combing, no blunt cuts. So I got it. It worked out great for Rage Against the Machine and being outside all weekend for Lolla.