These were $2 5LB watermelons! I stuffed my face into mine and I didn't care. Not lady like or polite. I like used my bottom teeth to shovel and scrape the good stuff off! So good! And we had Gomez to listen to at the same time.
We are wearing PONCHO's! WTF. It poured. Laura invited me and Joe to a block party at Optimus. Our pre Lolla event. Ate their Volare food, drank their Amstel Lights, took pictures in their photo booth, and took their free ponchos. We missed Blogo and Fabio ( but whatever.
hate hotdogs. love hearing my feet rhythmically hit the ground when i'm out running. like crunching in snow...and admiring and destroying virgin snow...yoohoo! snow! ...beware of my size sevens. she don't eat meat, but she sure likes the bone - recovering vegetarian speak